is an online pharmacy which is meant to provide you genuine and authentic drugs with best quality and that too at a low cost. We are simply distributors of medicines and we do not intend to prescribe or suggest any other kind of medication for treating any kind of health disorder. The content that is displayed on the website is solely for informational purpose only. This data should not be used for any kind of diagnosis, treatment or cure of any kind of health problem or suggest any medication based on the information given over here. The customer is solely responsible for any kind of benefit or side effect that will occur due to the consumption of the medication.

All the medications are being shipped within the promised period. But if in case if the shipment gets delayed due to our fault then we compensate for that. For quick and prompt delivery of the products, it is mandatory that the customer must provide their address accurately. The personal details of the customers like credit card and mobile number is kept completely confidential and is not at all shared with any kind of third party.

Cancellation of the order can be done within 24 hours of order placement. In case the product is dispatched already, then cancellation is not possible at all. The availability of the product and cost of it is subject to change without giving any prior notice. We are not responsible for the wrong delivery of the parcel in case the customer has not provided us with the correct address.